York Public Schools
The York Public Schools Fine Arts Boosters helps ensure that student involvement in fine arts activities is a positive and rewarding experience. We provide recognition and funding to programs that benefit students and coaches at the Elementary, Middle, and High School levels. FAB activities and programs include Band, Choir, Chamber Singers, Dukes & Duchesses, Mock Trial, Musical, One Act, Speech, Quiz
Bowl, and the Visual Arts. YPS fine arts programs are consistently among the best in the State of Nebraska. We are excited for another amazing year! Please consider a donation to support our students! Download the Donation Form or donate via Venmo YHS BAND
Marching Band Highlights Concert October 28th @7pm YHS Theater Soup Supper fundraiser & Holiday Concert December 10th Soup Supper starts at 5pm (until 6:50) Come support your YHS Marching Band ($ free will donation! Individual students and groups will perform in the lunchroom during Supper) High School Concert is at 7pm in YHS Theater CHOIR YHS Choir Concert - Monday Oct 21st @ 7pm YHS Theater Holiday Concert Monday, Dec 16th @7pm YHS Theater ONE ACT Public Performances Oct 29th@ 8pm YHS Theater December 3 @ 8pm YHS Theater Competition Performances in YORK- ($) Nov 9th K-DUB performing @8am Dec 6th - Districts @ York performing @ 1:30pm |